Sunday, February 14, 2010

Made in Japan

Made in Japan

Made in Japan is a tag behind every product that one likes to buy. Such is the popularity of Made in Japan or Made from Japan labels all over the world that it proves Japan's technological superiority and capabilities especially after the WWII. Nowadays, the world consumers seek goods manufactured in Japan and look for the label 'Made in Japan', be it a household consumable good or a giant industrial machinery, or equipments and its parts, electrical and electronic goods and many other products including the latest products in renewable energy such as solar or wind energy.

Besides the technological advances in automobiles and industrial sectors, Japan has also become a reputed name in the biomedical appliances and solar appliances. Besides the traditional use of Made in Japan, there is also an album by the name of 'Made in Japan', which was released by the English Rock Band Deep Purple in the year 1972 during their first tour to Japan. When you search the Internet for Made in Japan, you would end up with millions of results ranging from the common electronic goods to automobiles and its parts, Golf, cameras and many other gadgets.